For the elderly, loss of function often leads to further deterioration of health. Prevention and limiting function loss can help elderly people remain independent for a longer period of time. Furthermore, focusing on loss of function is a current topic considering the rising costs in healthcare. Therefore, Ton Bakker's mandate is maximum prevention and limitation of impairment of function of the elderly. How can preservation of function be realised? And when impairment of function still occurs, how can it be detected and treated at an early stage? Prevention means identification of unfavourable prognostic factors and influencing these positively.
For this purpose, Bakker focuses on two areas. One of these is primary care, an important context for the identification and early treatment of frail elders. The other is treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of frail elders in hospitals. Hospitals need to pay extra attention to early intervention for (imminent) loss of function related to an admission: thirty-five percent of people over 75 are discharged from the hospital in a worse functional state than at admission.
Argos Care Group.
"Thirty-five percent of people over 75 are discharged from the hospital in a worse functional state than at admission."
Applied research professor Preservation of Function for Elderly in life-course Perspective