‘Care for Communication’ consists of all activities used to support communication vulnerable people. Besides the communication vulnerable person himself, the people around him also deserve this care, and attention should be paid to the physical environment. The speech therapist is able to provide this support. The question now is how to ensure that care for communication extends optimally to society, also outside the context of speech therapy care. How can the speech therapist contribute to a communicatively accessible society? What new roles are there for the speech therapist in this and who can help support this process ? In an ideal society, all information and communication is accessible to everyone: both communication between individuals and communication within organisations and with the government. The research group Care for Communication wants to contribute to this accessibility. The research group is committed to helping communication vulnerable people by ensuring that they receive support in communicating with their environment. The research group’s mission is: promoting communicative accessibility of the environment of communication vulnerable people: family, professionals in education, care and welfare and the social and physical context in which they communicate.
Research group Care for Communication