
    Research group Person & Family Centred Care

    Palliative care aimed at people and their families is a crucial contribution to the quality of life up to the end of life. Multidimensionality in care and support, interdisciplinary cooperation and attention to care providers are topics that play an important role in this. Based on the conviction that it is never too early to think about the final phase of life - and this also applies to professionals - the general negotiability of palliative care and thinking about what is of value in life also receive attention within the research group.

    Everyone wants to be seen as a human being, even in the phase of life in which care, vulnerability and (sometimes) a life-threatening condition are in the spotlight. Marieke's main motivation is to make this research group an inspiring breeding ground for knowledge and connection. She wants to give substance to this in cooperation with the professional field and by contributing to a society in which a sick or vulnerable person is seen and approached as a fully-fledged person rather than just a patient through practice-based research.

    Research groups

    of Research Centre Innovations in Care