

    Relaxations are increasingly possible in the Netherlands and abroad. Therefore, as of September 2021 the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is offering students and staff more opportunities to go abroad. There are conditions involved, however. Moreover, the school can again impose a travel ban to foreign countries if the global Covid-19 situation warrants it. As necessary travels in the framework of the study we only recognize travel for a study abroad, internship or graduating or (outbound and inbound) exchange. (Short) trips within and outside Europe for purposes other than those mentioned in the previous sentence will in any case not be allowed until March 31, 2022. In some cases, however, study programs can request an exception to this prohibition. For the procedure in this regard, you can send an email to

    Think carefully about the necessity of a study period abroad; it is your own decision and responsibility. As a student, you will sign a statement before departure in which you indicate that you are aware of the risks in the field of safety, health, finances, and study progress. RUAS and the study programme can help you prepare for this decision.

    Travel for study-related purposes is often considered necessary and can therefore often be undertaken to 'orange' countries. Get informed at the embassy of the country concerned about the conditions for travelling for study purposes.

    From September 2021, subject to certain conditions, there is again more opportunity to go abroad for an internship or graduation. In April 2022, it will be determined whether and under what conditions there will again be room for an internship or graduation abroad for the period after September 2022. The preparation for an internship or graduation abroad takes place in consultation with your study programme. Don't wait until April 2022 with that.

    From September 2021, subject to certain conditions, there is again more opportunity to go abroad for an internship or graduation. In April 2022, it will be determined whether and under what conditions there will again be room for an internship or graduation abroad for the period after September 2022. The preparation for an internship or graduation abroad takes place in consultation with your study programme. Don't wait until April 2022 with that.

    There are no restrictions for incoming students from within or outside Europe. Of course, students must inform themselves of any restrictions in the country of origin. Furthermore, incoming students are responsible for any costs or study delays due to (self-)tests, lockdown, quarantine, illness, et cetera.  

    In case of (imminent) calamities abroad, a student, or staff member must always call this number:
    0031 - 10 794 99 99.

    At this number, you can reach someone to offer primary support 365 days of the year, 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. The officer is either employed by the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (when you call during regular office hours), or is an employee of ISP (International Security Partners). The number must not be used for other questions such as internships, deadlines, or other business that is not urgent. Students and staff can call this emergency number direct, or request to be transferred via a local telephone office by means of a collect call or reverse charge call. Students abroad who have questions about less urgent matters such as grants, can contact CoIA Exchange:

    Keep an eye out on your health. In case of minor respiratory complaints, RIVM recommends staying at home. If the symptoms worsen, contact your General Practitioner or GGD by telephone. Contact your GP or the GGD immediately by telephone in case of a fever with respiratory symptoms (e.g. coughing or shortness of breath) and agree with the doctor whether you can go to work / to school. If this is not the case, report this immediately to your Study Career Coach (SCC), your Course Director or direct supervisor by e-mail. Report the following: name, student number, date, telephone number that you can be reached at (home/ hospital), if you were tested for Corona, contact person GGD. Please consult the specific Flowchart for reporting illness.

    As Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, we cannot determine where our students and employees go on vacation. Keep in mind that the coronavirus is experiencing a peak in some parts of the world and that the virus is emerging once again in some countries. The government previously announced that it will no longer bring back Dutch people if they run into problems due to the coronavirus. It is now about personal responsibility. So even as a university of applied sciences we can only give advice: use your common sense.

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