Students can develop their talents when the learning environment provides opportunities and guidance, is safe and familiar, and focuses on personal and professional development. We will therefore continue to shape our education with a focus on enhancing student success.
Our focus is on 7 points that are the key to student success.
1. Quality of education
We strengthen the quality of teaching by
- Aligning teaching objectives, assessment and learning activities to create curricula that are doable for students, teachable, and feasible.
- Providing students with more support in the learning process at the start of their studies. We help them with the knowledge and skills to organise, manage and control their own thinking, behaviour, and learning. We also help with planning, organisation, and effective study strategies.
- Maximising the active participation of students. We use proven teaching strategies such as formative practice, didactic coaching, retrieval practiceand developmental assessment.
2. High expectations
Student success also requires a culture of high expectations. When lecturers demonstrate high expectations through their behaviour, students
perform better. We achieve this by providing students with a challenging learning environment where we show them that we believe in them and
that they can make a valuable contribution to major societal issues while they are still studying. By giving meaningful feedback and asking questions that
challenge them. But also, by restricting ourselves to giving instructions. And by being friendly. By showing that we expect a lot from our students and their talents
3. An inclusive university of applied sciences
We strive to make every student and staff member feel welcome, safe, seen and valued. We welcome everyone with open arms and work on the basis of
inclusive didactics and pedagogy. A strong foundation of democratic values and ground rules plays an important role in this. It enables students, lecturers, and institutes to deal with different values, interests, and views. The development of democratic citizenship is therefore integrated into all our educational programmes as part of the development of professional identity. We also organise dialogues and debates to highlight democratic values and
4. Professional identity
To have a meaningful future as a professional, it is essential to get a good impression of the field, the professional role and the responsibilities involved.
That is why we support students in their choice of study programmes with accessible and transparent information about professions and study programmes. We also help students in developing their own professional identity, based on our core values, and guided by social issues, as they progress through their studies. We help students make choices that are right for them. We also ensure that students who find out that a different course of study would suit them better are guided to a more appropriate next step.
5. Personal development
Personal development is at least as important for student success as professional development. Firstly, to give students equal opportunities in
society. Therefore, in our training (as part of professional development) we also spend time on things such as building, learning to use, and expanding a professional network. Secondly, to give students the opportunity to develop in a broader sense. We do so by focussing on socialisation and personal development in all our curricula and offering a richer range of electives and additional curricular activities. Students are actively involved in developing and organising electives and activities that meet their own interests and development needs.
6. Curriculum structure
This requires an education in which students gradually develop into confident, independent, and reflective professionals in a way that suits them: intimate, personalised and challenging. And with staying power. That is why every student will start at a study programme that is structured, allows for
difficult learning moments and room for mistakes. As they progress, we offer more choices. Where necessary, additional support is provided. In this
way, we give everyone an equal chance to succeed. And, for those who are able and willing, space to accelerate and enrich their studies
7. Students as a sounding board
To continually shape the conditions for student success, we involve students in education, educational development, educational innovation, educational implementation, and decision-making.