
    Visa Application Process

    What permits are required

    Students from all countries except EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who wish to attend a bachelor's degree, (pre) master's degree or exchange programme at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences for more than 3 months are obliged to obtain a Dutch study residence permit.

    Visa application process

    Overview visa procedure

    In this video, you can see step by step how your visa procedure will go, from the moment of your enrolment to your arrival in Rotterdam.

    Which permits are required?

    Depending on your situation, you will need one or both of the following permits:

    • MVV = Entrance visa to enter the Netherlands. The MVV is only valid for 3 months and will be collected in your home country or the nearest country to your home.
    • VVR = Study Residence Permit. The VVR will be valid for your entire study period and will be collected in the Netherlands after arrival.
    MVV and VVR 
    VVR only (no MVV required)

    Students from all countries except EU/EEA countries and Switzerland

    MVV + VVR Procedure

    Students from Australia, Canada, Japan, UK, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea, USA and Vatican City State.

    Students with a valid residence permit from a Schengen country.

    VVR Procedure

     A MVV and/or VVR application costs €228 and is non-refundable after the application has been submitted. Students with Sanmarinese and Israeli nationality are exempt from paying the MVV and/or VVR costs.


    Required documents for a visa application

    When you are admitted for a study programme at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, you will be informed about the MVV / VVR procedure by the Student Support office.

    Team student support will apply for your visa and/or residence permit after receiving the following items:

    Visa application deadlines

    Intake February 2025

    Please provide us with all required payments and documents before the deadline of 24 November 2024 to avoid any delay in your visa and/or residence permit application process. 

    We recommend not to book your flight until you have received the positive advice/approval letter and you have checked that no travel restrictions apply.

    Regarding exchange students, we kindly advise you to send all the documents before December 6, 2024.

    Proof of sufficient funds

    Before arrival

    Our school is registered as a recognised sponsor at the Dutch immigration office (IND). This means that we apply for a MVV and/or VVR on your behalf at the IND. This process is done before you arrive in the Netherlands. As your recognised sponsor we require that you provide us with proof of sufficient funds to cover your living expenses while studying in the Netherlands.

    Proof of sufficient funds for February 2025 intake

    The amount of the proof of sufficient funds is set by the IND. The amount can be found on the IND website.

    Bachelor and Master students

    In order to obtain a study residence permit, the IND requires proof of sufficient funds of at least €14.616,00* on a yearly basis for living expense plus proof that you have sufficient funds to pay the tuition fee for 1 year.

    Pre-master 6 months students

    Students who are going to do the pre-master 6 months also need to show proof of sufficient funds for 1 year which is €14.616,00* plus proof that you have sufficient funds to pay the tuition fee for the pre-master 6 months and a half of the master tuition fee 2024/2025.

    Exchange students

    Exchange students need to show €1.218,00* for every month that they will be studying at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

    How to prove your sufficient funds

    The proof of sufficient funds can be shown in two ways:

    1. Bank transfer to the school’s bank account
    2. Scholarship award letter

    1. Bank transfer to the school’s bank account 

    This means you will deposit the amount in our account to prove you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses in the Netherlands.

    Bachelor and Master students

    You will receive an invoice of €14.616,00 plus the amount of the tuition fee for the whole academic year and the visa application fee of €228,00.

    Pre-master 6 months students

    Students who are going to do the 6 months preparation programme, will receive an invoice of €21.552,00 plus the tuition fee for the 6 months preparation programme and the visa application fee of €228,00.

    Exchange students:

    You will receive an invoice with a total of €1.218,00* x the number of months that you will be studying at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

    Refund of the living fees:

    After the start of your study program at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, we will inform you how the proof of sufficient funds will be refunded to you.

    Please be aware that the refund process takes about 2 months. 
    You will not have access to that amount before that so make sure you will have sufficient extra funds for the first few weeks in The Netherlands

    Please note that you will need to open a Dutch bank account as the money can only be refunded to your Dutch bank account. During the introduction week we will inform you how you can open a Dutch bank account.

    2. Scholarship award letter

    The scholarship award letter must show the following:

    •  the date;
    •  the institution granting the scholarship;
    •  your personal details (initials, surname and date of birth)
    •  the start and finish of the scholarship (start and end date);
    •  the amount you receive;
    •  Optional: the name of the scholarship programme.
    •  Does the educational institution grant you a scholarship on behalf of a different institution? For example, an organization or company? Please then show the agreement between your educational institution and the institution in question.
    • The scholarship letter must be drawn up in Dutch, English, German or French. If it is not in these languages then the document needs to be translated by a sworn translator to English. Please make sure all the information is correct. You need to show the original documents as well as the translation.

    *Subject to change 

    Non-EU student already residing in the Netherlands

    Recognised sponsor

    If you already have a Dutch residence permit from another Dutch school, we are required to take over as your recognised sponsor from your previous school. In order to do this, we require proof of sufficient funds, a signed Antecedent certificate, a copy of your passport (the personal page and all stamped pages) and  a copy of the front and back of your current study residence permit. 

    Sponsorship procedure

    Change of Purpose (COP)

    If you are already residing in the Netherlands and wish to change the purpose of your current residence permit to a study residence permit, please send us an e-mail so we can apply for a Change of Purpose (COP) on your behalf. The COP application costs €228* and is non-refundable. In order to do this we require proof of sufficient funds, a signed Antecedent certificate, a copy of your passport (the personal page and all stamped pages) and  a copy of the front and back of your current residence permit. The deadline for non-EU students already residing in the Netherlands with a valid Dutch residence permit is 15th of December 2024.  
    *Subject to change

    Change of Purpose procedure

    Study monitoring (MoMi)

    What is study monitoring

    If you will be studying with a Dutch study residence permit, then the study monitoring will apply to you. This implies that in order to maintain your study residence permit, your study results need to be sufficient. You will need to pass at least 50% of the nominal study workload for each academic year.

    Please note that pre master students need to obtain all ECTS.  The study monitoring does not apply to exchange students.

    You can refer to the IND website for more information.

    Annual financial means check

    If we apply for a Dutch study residence permit for you then you will need to prove each academic year that you have enough money to live and study in the Netherlands. This means that you will need to show that you have sufficient funds on a yearly basis to cover both your living expenses and your tuition fee in the Netherlands.

    After each academic year (usually around November/December) the student support team from the Centre of International Affairs will contact all students with a Dutch study residence permit and students will then be requested to either prove or declare that they have sufficient funds.

    You can read more about this topic on the financial means check page on the Dutch immigration office (IND) website. 


    Our university can only apply for a study residence permit for those coming to study at our university, not for spouses/partners and/or children. Therefore you would need to arrange the visa and/or Dutch residence permit of the family member(s) yourself. You can find more information about that on the Dutch Immigration Office (IND) website.

    Once we have applied for an invoice for you, the invoice and payment instructions will be sent to you by email by our finance department. Please make sure that you read their instructions to ensure that our university receives the full payment of your invoice.

    The swift code that you should use is mentioned in the payment instructions that you received from our finance department by email, together with your invoice. When entering the swift code, the matching address should be Coolsingel 119 Rotterdam (as mentioned in the payment instructions), or Gustav Mahlerlaan 10 Amsterdam, which is the head office.  Please ensure that you use the correct account number when making the transfer.

    No, as of 2019 our university no longer accepts bank statements as proof of sufficient funds, unless a student will receive a scholarship from an educational institution.

    No, it is not a mistake. The MVV sticker is only valid for a period of three months as the purpose of the MVV is to allow you to travel to the Netherlands. Your residence permit which you will receive in the Netherlands will be valid for the entire period of your studies.

    The refund procedure can be found on HINT. If for any reason your visa application is denied by the IND, you will receive a full refund prior to the start of the academic year, except for the visa application fee.

    Please note that for the Pre-Master RBS Programme a different refund policy applies, which can also be found on HINT.