Within this multifaceted issue, this lectorate mainly focuses on the possibilities for strengthening the role that (social) professionals can play in the guidance of vulnerable citizens in their careers in or towards work. In the case of vulnerable groups, this often concerns guidance in several areas of life and social issues. In addition, the lectorate looks at the question of how labour organisations can be made more inclusive and how (social) professionals can support employers in this.
Research programme
The research of the lectorate is embedded in both research programmes of Research Centre Urban Talent: Social Inclusion and Optimalisation of Learning Processes.
In the lectorate, lecturer-researchers work together with partners from the professional field on various practice-oriented research and development projects that further strengthen both professional practice and higher professional education on this theme.
Students are connected to the lectorate by means of a thesis on the theme. In addition, they collaborate with various practical learning communities of the social study programme. The lectorate contributes to the minor Arbeid en Gezondheid (Work and Health).