Facts and figures
The programme at a glancePart of School
Programme information
A view of the study programmeAbout the programme
The programme consists of five modules:
International context
This module focuses on states and why and how they work together. In a globalising world this cooperation becomes even more important in order to combat cross border problems such as climate change, crime, drugs and human trafficking, conflict and migration, poverty, etc. However, depending on the form of cooperation (voluntary, mandatory, semi-voluntary) and level of integration of policies, this cooperation may also lead to (inter)dependency, decline of sovereignty and a loss of democratic control for citizens. International organisations such as the UN and the EU have played an important role after WWII. The European Union is a special and highly integrated form of cooperation and will receive extra attention in class with a visit to Luxemburg, a city in which several EU institutions are located.
By means of research and critical analysis, you will build up a broad understanding of international cooperation, its strengths and its challenges. You will work individually but will also learn from the work of others.
Whether you approach the world from the perception of government, business or citizens, culture plays an important and often determining role in mutual relations. Culture is here not used in terms of the arts, but rather in the patterns of behaviour and thinking of groups of people up to the level of states. For this reason this topic plays an important part in this programme. In order to be able to handle cultural differences, it is important to have a good insight in your own culture. Therefore, we will use different theories and modules to describe culture on a national level and your own individual culture.
International economics
This module will further raise your knowledge of international economics that will allow you to understand the global challenges facing the world’s society and business. You will also think about the responses to those challenges from both governmental and business perspective. This knowledge is indispensable for a person working in an international context, either in government, a company or NGO. The course will focus on topics such as economic growth, unemployment, protectionism, exchange rate systems, fiscal and monetary policies. We will focus on challenges such as power differences between countries, discrimination, climate change and position of technological giants within the world economy.
Future responsible leadership
This module gives students an understanding as well as practical knowledge of both personal leadership and leadership within an organization. Every transition requires leadership: the will and ability to change, to see change as an opportunity, and to direct it from values and vision. Anticipating and responding to developments does not happen automatically, it requires choosing, innovating, experimenting, changing, investing, demonstrating, collaborating, and more. This requires leadership in all layers of the organization, from bottom to top. Leadership is not about everyone becoming a manager, or leading. It's about everyone knowing how to inspire change from their position, seeing change not as a threat, but as an opportunity. An opportunity to innovate and address new (international) markets. To face economic and social challenges.
International project
Students organise their own international project for at least 392 hours. The international project can have different forms, e.g. doing research, voluntary work or an internship. You may choose yourself what you would like to do as long as it is linked to your personal goals for this programme and to those of your own university programme. The requirements for your intern company or organisation are that they are able to provide you with an appropriate assignment, that they have an international focus and that they will give you support and guidance. The research will be on the basis of a pre-approved research plan.
In the 1st week of July students should indicate what kind of international project they would like to do and hand in an action plan for arranging the project.
The way we work within this programme:
The overarching objective of the Working World Wide programme is the development of an international competence. As mentioned, such a competence implies knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The classes in which you will work on this knowledge, skills and attitudes, will be mostly physically. Classes will be as interactive as possible with a variety of activities. This programme encompasses full time study during 5 months. This means you have to be available 40 hours a week. You will have approximately 16 hours of physical classes per week. So, you need to work the major part outside class, either individually or in teams with students from different programmes and countries. It implies that you have to decide yourself when you work on your assignments and how you organise the process in your team. You may split up the work between you or do things collectively. However, if you split up, you will have to discuss the results of your research between you. If you do not do so, you will only be aware of your own contribution and waste the benefit of learning from others and in doing so, not obtaining a picture as a whole.
Type of assessment
Students will be assessed via portfolio’s with (reflection) reports, assignments, presentations and simulations. In addition, students will experience part of day-to-day reality through the international project. The form this project takes may vary considerably (traineeship, research, preparation of thesis, voluntary work, project), but in all cases the knowledge obtained during the first part of the programme has to be applied.
Learning outcomes
The international competence refers to three overarching learning outcomes that students can obtain through international activities:
- Intercultural competence: Students have the knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to interact successfully with people from diverse (linguistic and cultural) backgrounds.
- International orientation: Students are informed about and engaged with, international organisations, topics and perspectives on:
- Societal and global issues, such as inclusion, refugees, climate change and supranational institutions such as the European Union.
- Disciplines and professions, such as international knowledge, techniques and perspectives on how to perform one’s profession.
- Future responsible leadership.
- International economics, such as economic growth, unemployment, protectionism, integration, exchange rate systems, fiscal and monetary policies, economics behind Brexit or trade conflicts between China and USA.
- Personal qualities: An international experience can contribute to personal development and growth, such as becoming more independent, self-aware, flexible and adaptable. These competences are not merely acquired through, or relevant to, international contexts. However, they can be vital to the success of an international experience, as well as enhanced through such an experience.
Fall 2025
This programme will run from September 1st 2025 until January 31st 2026. One semester is divided into two blocks:
Block 1: September 1st 2025 - October 31st 2025
- International Context (4 ECTS)
- Culture (4 ECTS)
- International Economics (4 ECTS)
- Future Responsible Leadership (4 ECTS)
Block 2: November 3rd 2025 - January 31st 2026
- International Project (14 ECTS)
After completing your exchange programme at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, you will receive a:
- Transcript of records
A precondition for receiving a mark for the modules is attendance: students who miss more than one session (this includes all, meaning: the group and consultancy sessions will fail the module. The reason for this is that insight and skills are acquired during the making and discussing of the weekly assignments with each other and with the lecturer. The learning in this course is based on ‘the learning by doing principle’. All students need to be present for the role play.
An indication of the subjects you can expectBlock 1
International context (4 ECTS)
International context (4 ECTS)
- Kick off module international context
- Lecture & Assignment on: Structure of the world: states, nations and their consequences
- Lecture & Assignment on: Ideologies on society. Creating your own worldview.
- Lecture & Assignment on: Introduction to European Union
- Lecture & Assignment on: 1989. The start of a new era. Globalisation
- Lecture & Assignment on: Policy influencing (lobby)
- Lecture & Assignment on: Creating a paper on what is happening in the world?
- Role play on decision making in a complex and international context
- Contingency
Learning material
- Powerpoints and presentations made by and discussed in class
- Articles handed out in class
Learning outcomes
You are informed about, engaged with and have perspectives on (politically critical and personal transformative):
- The role of states
- Societal and global issues, such as power balance & poverty, migration & discrimination & inclusivity, climate change and technology
- Supranational institutions such as the European Union
- International organisations like the UN, WTO, including corresponding themes like human rights and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
In addition, at the end of this module you will have developed:
- Personal qualities like critical thinking, reflectiveness, curiosity, tolerance to stress, ability to solve problems, an open minded attitude with interest in different perspectives and a willingness to engage with other people and topics.
- Perspective taking skills
Type of assessment
Each lecture will be interactive; Together we discuss a social or political problem which occurs in the world today. Research groups of students inform each other of what they’ve learned. Every week we end the class by summarizing what causes the social or political problem and the different views in the world about how to deal with them. At the end of the program the class creates a magazine in which every political view is represented and gives an insight of what is happening in the world today.
This course is assessed by means of an individual product, a research assignment for which you write a short paper. The weekly assignments that you will have to deliver with your group will help you with your research and writing this paper.
Module code
International economics (4 ECTS)
International economics (4 ECTS)
This course will further raise your knowledge of international economics that is indispensable for a person working in an international context, either in a company or NGO. You will learn to use important theories and indicators in order to analyse economic developments of various countries.
- Introduction
- International economy and environment: GDP growth and the challenge of continuous economic growth.
- Economic Cycles, Unemployment, Inflation.
- How should the governments respond?
- Fiscal policies, Interest rates.
- Good governance and financial crises.
- International trade: Protectionism, exchange rates.
- Do we need more or less global trade?
- Power balance and poverty.
- How to eliminate poverty?
- Inequality, Discrimination, Inclusivity.
- How to create an inclusive society?
Learning materials
- McConnel et al. ‘Economics’ 21st MacGraw Hill.
- Lecturer’s PPT slides
- Handouts
Learning outcomes
You are informed about, engaged with and have perspectives on (politically critical and personal transformative):
- Societal and global issues, such as power balance & poverty, migration & discrimination & inclusivity, climate change and technology
- Supranational institutions such as the European Union
- International economics, such as economic growth, unemployment, protectionism, integration, exchange rate systems, fiscal and monetary policies, economics behind Brexit or trade conflicts between China and USA.
In addition, at the end of this module you will:
- Have gained a comprehensive knowledge of international economics to comprehend the strategic business decisions made by companies and NGOs.
- Have developed a critical understanding of diverse global challenges faced by businesses and societies.
- Understand governmental decisions and evaluate the impact of these policies on national and international economies.
- Have gained knowledge of international economics in order to understand strategic business decisions of companies and NGO’s.
Type of assessment
- Weekly individual in-class tests and group assignments (50%)
- Final individual assignment on a topic of choice (50%)
The module will be assessed by a portfolio, consisting of the two elements mentioned above. Both parts of the module need to be passed with a 5.5.
Module code
Culture (4 ECTS)
Culture (4 ECTS)
- Introduction to the module
- Theory on researching culture
- Cultural differences: theory on comparing countries
- Show student’s videos or live presentations of individual culture
- Theory on values
- Theory on cultural communication
- Self-tests Erin Meyer, Hofstede, Solomon & Schell, Thomas Killman
- Cultural project
Learning materials (recommended)
- Hofstede, G. Hofstede, GJ and Minkov, M., Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Revised and expanded 3rd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill USA, 2010. ISBN 978-0-07-166418-9.
- Trompenaars, F. 7 Dimensions of culture: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/seven-dimensions.htm
- Solomon, S and Schell M (2009), Managing Across Cultures: The 7 Keys to Doing Business with a Global Mindset, ISBN:9780071605854, US: McGraw-Hill
- https://www.sinicom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Intercultural-comms-guide.pdf
- Hall, E. T. Cultural Factors: http://changingminds.org/explanations/culture/hall_culture.htm
- Meyer, Erin (2016), The culture map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business, ISBN 9781610392761; PublicAffairs,U.S.
- Additional articles
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module you will have:
- Knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to interact successfully with people from diverse (linguistic and cultural) backgrounds:
- Knowledge of a foreign language (e.g. English, Dutch)
- Knowledge of communication styles and stereotyping and theory on cultures of Hofstede, Trompenaars, Solomon & Schell, Meyer, Hall and Lewis
- An open minded, respectful and tolerant attitude, are interested in different perspectives and engaged with other people
- The skills to show perspective taking, listening, observing, interpretation, mediating, relating, intercultural relationship building and networking skills, can manage differences and conflict and deal with uncertainty and ambiguity
Type of assessment
- Introduce your culture via an artefact video or live presentation
- Active participation in class
- Poster presentation for cultural project
- Reflection report, comparing results of all the individual tests on culture and your expectations with your experience during the Working World Wide programme
Module code
Future Responsible Leadership (4 ECTS)
Future Responsible Leadership (4 ECTS)
- Personal leadership and leadership within an organization
- Understanding transitions
- Global challenges and opportunities
- Theory of change
- System thinking
Learning materials
To be confirmed
Learning outcomes
The overarching objective of this course is:
You find out who you are and where you stand as a future leader. You create the opportunity to inititate a meaningful change for which you can practice and further develop your leadership skills. This desire for change is driven by your values and is based on correct and up-to-date information.
At the end of this module you are able to:
- Analyse your own developmental needs and make a plan for this
- Research and evaluate the social, economic and environmental situation in a country
- Seek feedback in relation to personal development goals
Type of assessment
Module code
Block 2
International project (14 ECTS)
International project (14 ECTS)
You will carry out an international project of eight to ten weeks. This project can have different forms, e.g. a research project, voluntary work, language study or traineeship at a Dutch organisation.
Students will do an internship, voluntary work or research
Learning materials
Not applicable
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module you will have:
- Attitudes and skills that enable them to interact successfully with people from diverse (linguistic and cultural) backgrounds:
- Attitude: open minded, respectful, tolerant, interested in different perspectives, engaging with other people and topics
- Skills: perspective taking, listening, observating, interpretating mediating, relating skills; managing differences and conflict; intercultural relationship building and networking skills; dealing with uncertainty and ambiguity
- International knowledge, techniques and perspectives on how to perform one’s profession and on international updates about one’s profession, making use of international information, sources and resources from different countries
- Developed personal qualities via an international experience, such as becoming more independent, self-aware, flexible, adaptive, self-reliant, critical thinking, responsible, perseverant, patient, resilient, reflective, curious, tolerant to stress and able to solve problems.
Type of assessment
- Documents regarding international project (e.g. contact details, contract, research proposal)
- Bi-weekly reports
- Bi-weekly intervision sessions
- If applicable: evaluation form of your coach at the internship organization/company
- If applicable: research report
- Reflection report or presentation
Module code
NOTE: Foreign students carry out their project in the Netherlands. It is possible for students to carry out their project in a different country, except for in their home country. At the beginning of the WWW programme, you should already start to look for a possible project. You will tell your fellow students how you have prepared for and experienced your international project in presentations in class.
- Attitudes and skills that enable them to interact successfully with people from diverse (linguistic and cultural) backgrounds:
After your study programme
Career Perspectives
Working World Wide gets you prepared for an international career by providing a theoretical background and ways and means of applying this background in day-to-day reality.
Practical matters
What you need to knowLocation Kralingse Zoom
Where you can find us