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Programme information
What to expectAbout the programme
Finance on an international level
Next to the professional problem the programme will also focus on the international component as most of businesses are nowadays in one or the other way exposed to the effects of internationalisation, globalisation and the need to become sustainable. In order to deal with these identified professional problems the programme International Sustainable Finance & Management will equip students with in-depth knowledge on topics like international sustainable (corporate) finance, valuation and corporate governance, sustainable finance & accounting and management , international auditing, advanced management accounting and management control.
Real-life projects
Further, in the real-life projects, this programme will allow the exploration of innovative business and finance trends and application of knowledge acquired in knowledge modules, and in this way prepare the students for the world of practice.
Project group are are carefully developed every year in cooperation with the Researchcentre Business Innovation (KBI), companies and organisations to ensure the alignment with the most actual developments (innovative trends) in the business and finance world. Projects allow students to take proactive role in solving real business issues, deepen their knowledge in innovative topics of finance and accounting and stimulate their critical reflection and attitude. In the project groups next to developing their profession related competences (international business awareness, general management and intercultural competences) students are also working on the improvement of their skills related to the application of research methods, communication, co-operation, leadership, planning, comprehensive problem solving, intercultural adaptability, learning and self-development. In this way both profession-related and generic competencies are further developed.
Practitioners, as well as suppliers of high quality education, like INSEAD, have indicated that companies experience a lack of in-depth finance and accounting knowledge and ability to apply related innovative trends with qualified business students.
Central lectures
Central lessons are given and very often include a few guest lectures by experts and professionals from the Finance & Accounting field to ensure the presence of the practice rational and continuous relevance.
In order to support students in their project assignment guest lectures are offered by experts and practitioners in the field. Weekly meetings are organised per project group.
Type of assessment
You have to give presentations, submit papers and take written exams.
Learning outcomes
If you have successfully completed this exchange programme then you are able to:
- Comprehensively evaluate financial performance of the company and its responsibility centres from different stakeholders’ perspective, applying advanced tools of financial analysis.
- Evaluate existing management control systems, including performance measurement, incentive and management compensation systems from the perspective of their ability to support the implementation of company’s strategy and achievement of goals.
- Apply and evaluate the effects of the accounting systems differences on the process of company valuation.
- Apply and analyse concepts and models of traditional corporate finance, alternative and sustainable finance to make a contribution to strategic financing decisions
- Explore the risks involved in using alternative financing for SME’s
- Illustrate how the auditing process contributes to a fair view of the financial statements and to fraud protection
- Create (design and produce) a report providing recommendations for dealing with international sustainable finance and management challenges in the real life cases (company or organisations), by conducting comprehensive, business, strategic, accounting and financial analysis and evaluation.
- Ability to identify the difference between traditional, circular and sustainable business models and the ability to identify accounting issues in new business models.
- Ability to make clear what sustainable Finance & Accounting means from a management point of view.
- Explain the management of acquiring and analysing relevant information in order to support value creating decisions
- Differentiate, analyse and evaluate performance measurement and management control alternatives (results, action, personnel and cultural controls).
- Illustrate and argue how the management control system contributes to a fair view of the financial statements and to fraud protection
- Explain and apply contingency approach of internal control
- Critically reflect on the process of working in the group and creating a report for the innovative project and come up with the ways for its improvement.
Block 1
Week 1 | Introduction |
Week 2 - 8 | Central lectures and workshops Working on project 1 |
Week 9 | Assessment |
Block 2
Week 1 | Introduction |
Week 2 - 8 | Central lectures and workshops Working on project 2 |
Week 9 | Assessment |
Every school year is divided into two semesters. A fall semester (September – December/January) and a spring semester (February – June/July). Both semesters are divided into two blocks. Block 1 and 2 for the fall semester and block 3 and 4 for the spring semester.
After completing your exchange programme at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, you will receive a:
- Transcript of records
Feedback from students
Curious how former International Sustainable Finance and Accounting students experienced this programme? Some students were happy to share their stories with you!
Course related questions?
For course related questions, please contact Mrs. Dea Knol-Veldhuizen (content representative/programme coordinator) and Ms. Tineke van der Gaast (International Academic Coordinator, Rotterdam Business School).
An indication of the subjects you can expectBlock 1
Corporate Finance and International Risk Management (5 ECTS)
Corporate Finance and International Risk Management (5 ECTS)
Below you can find the topics and learning materials of this course.
- Traditional, alternative and sustainable finance
- International risk management
Learning materials
Brealey, Meyers, Marcus. (2020). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (10th edition). McGraw-Hill.
978-1-260-566093Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Justify the use of traditional, alternative and sustainable finance concepts.
- Evaluate investment opportunities using different calculation methods.
- Define and interpret the relationship between risk and return.
- Apply company valuation concepts.
- Interpret the use of financial derivatives to minimise company risk.
Type of assessment
20% presentation & 80% written exam
Sustainable Finance & Accounting Management (5 ECTS)
Sustainable Finance & Accounting Management (5 ECTS)
The impact of a circularity and sustainability on Finance, Accounting and Management control.
Learning materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Justify the creation of new business models.
- Describe and analyse finance and accounting impact caused by new business models.
- Apply performance management approach on the implementation of sustainability strategies.
- Evaluate financing in sustainable business environment.
- Understand the effects of sustainability on the financial reporting.
Type of assesment
20% presentation and 80% report
Finance & Accounting and Management Project 1 (5 ECTS)
Finance & Accounting and Management Project 1 (5 ECTS)
In a real-life project, this module will allow the exploration of innovative business and finance trends and application of knowledge acquired in knowledge modules.
Learning materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Explain how a circular business model looks like
- Discuss sustainable finance and the impact on cash flows
- Indicate and apply what financing forms are applicable
- Discuss the effects on the financial reporting
Type of assessment
Block 2
Auditing, Corporate Governance & International Auditing (5 ECTS)
Auditing, Corporate Governance & International Auditing (5 ECTS)
- Auditing
- Corporate Governance
- International Auditing
Learning materials
Hayes, Wallage and Gortemaker. (2014). Principles of Auditing (3rd edition). Pearson.
978-0-273-76817-3Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Illustrate how the auditing process contributes to a fair view of the financial statements and to fraud.
- Analyse the added value of an auditing process
- Argue why the role of auditor adds value to a company
- Describe and discuss the content of the IASB Framework.
- Discuss, apply and evaluate the effects of the principles, concepts and major methods used in the international accounting (IFRS and US GAAP) on the valuation of companies.
- Conduct accounting analysis and evaluate the quality of disclosure.
Type of assessment
Written exam
Management Accounting and Management Control (5 ECTS)
Management Accounting and Management Control (5 ECTS)
- Management accounting
- Management control
Learning materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Interpret balance sheet ratios to evaluate the financial performance of a company.
- Evaluate and calculate financial performance of the company and its responsibility centres.
- Explain the purpose of management control system and use of contingency approach in management control system.
- Use the BSC and Strategy map and apply them in the design of management control system.
- Debate the effectiveness of a management control system and design effective incentives.
Type of assesment
Written exam
Auditing & Accounting and Control Project 2 (5 ECTS)
Auditing & Accounting and Control Project 2 (5 ECTS)
- Innovative business
- Finance trends
Learning materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Design and provide recommendations for dealing with finance and accounting challenges in the real-life cases (company or organisations) on the basis of the comprehensive analysis.
- Design and present a report for the selected company (case study of real-life company) in which a comprehensive and layered management control system developed.
Type of assessment
Practical matters
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