
    School of Commerce

    The School prepares business talents for careers as professional entrepreneurs and so contributes to the enhancement of innovative power.


    The School of Commercial Management Studies has an extensive international network of partner universities. This network fosters the exchange of students and staff and encourages collaboration projects.

    Exchange programmes

    The School of Commercial Management Studies and the School of Financial Management offer two attractive exchange programmes for foreign students. Both programmes are 30 ECTS and take place twice a year: in the fall and in the spring. Together with Dutch students, our guest students from abroad attend classes in an international, completely English programme. See: Exchange programmes.

    Staff mobility

    Staff mobility is sharing ideas and best practices, exchange of knowledge and didactic approaches. Are you interested in staff mobility, please contact us.

    International Projects 

    The School of Commercial Management Studies is interested in participating in projects between different universities.  You will find an example of this kind of collaboration below here.

    Are you interested in sharing knowledge and educational practices? If so, please contact us.


    The School of Commercial Management Studies has many partners in all continents of the world.


    International network of higher education institutes

    The School is a member of Businet. Businet is a network of international higher education institutes that share a common ethos regarding internationalisation. At the moment the organization has 87 members and is represented in 27 countries. Businet was established to develop international programmes in business and to promote opportunities for institutes of higher education, their staff, and their students.


    Raising International Business Awareness

    The School is also member of the Raising International Business Awareness (RIBA) network. This is a network of 6 strategic partner universities: Dokuz Eylül University- Izmir, Turkey, IDRAC - Lyon, France, Artevelde University College Ghent - Ghent, Belgium, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf -Deggendorf, Germany, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences -Pori, Finland.