Academic Inclusion in Urban Times
What would happen if we dared step away from traditional approaches to academic inclusion and allow science to be our guide? In her keynote Jean Marie Molina will share her adventure with you.
About Jean-Marie Molina
Jean-Marie Molina (1979) is a philosophical educationalist, child and family pedagogue and a senior lecturer at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. She is specialized in amongst others: Academic Retention, Study success, and student achievement from a theoretical, historical and cross-cultural perspective. Her present focus is on academic retention amongst at risk and long term students. At the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences more than 3900 students are academically delayed. In 2013 Molina, introduced her teaching model termed " Tough Love" which uses the principles of applied behavioral sciences to increase competence and learning in at risk/long term students thereby increasing their chances of study success. Over the past years, Molina has used her method to successfully guide these students to completion of their academic track. According to Molina, for years it has been believed that students in the Netherlands who are at risk/long term students hail from traditional immigrant families with a low socio-economic status. However that picture is rapidly changing. More and more students, who hail from highly educated families with strong support systems are at risk and are failing in college. Molina believes this has much to do with how children are taught to interpret and react to challenges and failure.