
    We have a shared framework

    We are a large school with a diverse selection of study programmes and we are inviting them to further develop education within their own context.

    . If lecturers, researchers and supporting staff of the study programme teams are fully responsible for the work-study environment, then it becomes necessary for the school to define our common denominators and how that is apparent. The group Organisation has illustrated our common denominator by means of a red ring in the illustration below.  

    The red ring mirrors:

    • The mission that we stand for: it is our assignment to educate each student to become a professional who can contribute substantially to society.
    • The educational goals that we are going for: high-quality, inclusive education, rich in texture
    • The indicators of quality that we use to assess the quality of our education: student satisfaction, Study Success, employee satisfaction, connecting to the job market and appreciation by experts (accreditation)
    • Professional values reflecting how we do things: transparent and collaborative; with integrity and equality
    • Norms and agreements about the manner of working together on education, for example, on electives and minors.
    • The administrative framework of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences as far as finances, ICT, personnel and processes are concerned.
    • Law and legislation that we need to adhere to, such as the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands (NVAO) etcetera.

    We explore and develop our own professionalism within the common framework. The red ring is flexible and inflexible at the same time, because on the one hand we adhere to it, on the other hand, there is room for adjustment. After all, in our ever-changing world there may be good reason to change our framework or agreements.