
    Stay on Track

    Displaced youths returning to school

    This project investigates, together with displaced youths and the people around them, how the return to school can be improved, so that the youth can participate in society in a meaningful way and make better use of their talents.


    The intended results are:

    Design goal:

    • A described and transferable method of working that contributes to a better connection between youth assistance and education on return to school for young people who have been placed in care. 

    Knowledge goal:

    • A description of portraits, themes and solution paths, which provides insight into promoting and hindering factors as well as possible solution paths from a youth perspective.
    • An overview of good practices that are in line with the solution directions. 

    Change goal:

    • The focus is on supporting young people in discovering and developing their talents.
    • That cooperation within the chain of education, youth care and the family system becomes more subservient to the needs of young people.

    Professionalisation goal:

    • Insight into the training needs of teachers and youth workers in order to achieve the change goals and the design goal.