
    Evaluation design of Urban Health Centres Europe (UHCE): preventive integrated health and social care for community-dwelling older persons in five European cities

    Publication of Innovations in Care

    A.J.J. Voorham, R. Staveren,van, E. Koppelaar, L.F.J. Martijn, E. Valía-Cotanda, T. Alhambra-Borrás, T. Rentoumis, L. Bilajac, V. Vasiljev Marchesi, T. Rukavina, A. Verma, G. Williams, G. Clough, J. Garcés-Ferrer, F. Mattace Raso, H. Raat, C.B. Franse | Article | Publication date: 01 September 2017
    Older persons often have interacting physical and social problems and complex care needs. An integrated care approach in the local context with collaborations between community-, social-, and health-focused organisations can contribute to the promotion of independent living and quality of life. In the Urban Health Centres Europe (UHCE) project, five European cities (Greater Manchester, United Kingdom; Pallini (in Greater Athens Area), Greece; Rijeka, Croatia; Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and Valencia, Spain) develop and implement a care template that integrates health and social care and includes a preventive approach. The UHCE project includes an effect and process evaluation

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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