The project Client-Centred Care consists of various partial studies and projects aiming at the formation of a concept and a theory:
- The formation of a theoretical base to fit Client-Centred Care into the clinical context by an advanced concept analysis.
- Mapping out various perceptions of (student) midwives about Client-Centred Care using the Q-method.
- Relative interest of various midwifery roles and competences to be determined by a discrete choice experiment among women.
- Short-term explorative research projects by students, which address: (care) needs and wishes of women, pregnant woman and mothers and their everyday environment. They also focus on the midwives’ behaviour and perceptions.
The first results were presented at the congress of Kennispoort Verloskunde (Midwifery) on 22 January 2016. The subjects of the presentations were: ‘Influences on the conduct of obstetricians with regard to client-centred care’ and ‘Joint decision-making process about the place of the delivery’. This has resulted in a publication. Results about ”shared-decision making with regard to place of birth” and “midwives’ experiences of conflicting values in providing woman-centered care” will be presented at the International Confederation of Midwives in Toronto, 2017.