
    Dr. Patricia Vuijk

    Professor Public Care and Prevention for Youth

    Remedial educationalist Dr Patricia Vuijk has been a professor in Public Care and Prevention for Youth at the Research Centre Urban Talent and Research Centre Innovations in Care since 2013. Together with her research group, she researches preventive solutions to turn high-risk (gender-specific) development paths into psychopathology in children and adolescents into healthy development paths.

    Patricia Vuijk studied remedial education at Leiden University and previously did the Teacher Training Primary Education at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. She has worked as a teacher in special primary education for many years.

    Patricia is also a member of various assessment committees (ZonMw GGZ and Funding Red Noses) and is a member of the editorial staff of Kind en Adolescent Praktijk

    PhD research

    Patricia Vuijk obtained her PhD at Erasmus MC in 2006 on a study of gender-specific developmental paths to psychopathology in adolescents.


    By Dr. Patricia Vuijk


    By Dr. Patricia Vuijk