A standard workweek consists of 40 hours. You can also choose to work 36 or 38 hours a week, as well as part-time.
We feel very strongly about the professional and personal development of our employees. After all, our motto is ‘Exceed yourself’ for good reason. The jobs at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences today are more dynamic than ever. Knowledge, skills and techniques evolve continuously, as does the situation in which you need to apply them. That is why we enable you to pursue this development by providing the necessary time, organising vitality activities, and through our HR Academy. After all, you are more than your job.
Leave of absence
If you work 40 hours a week, you are entitled to around 45 leave days. You can also take special leave, such as (unpaid) parental leave, and make agreements with your manager regarding long-term leave.
Additional benefit payment
In addition to the annual holiday allowance of 8%, you receive a year-end bonus of 8.3%, as well as monthly compensation for health insurance coverage.
We have a pension plan with ABP, the largest pension fund in the Netherlands. ABP offers financial security in case of retirement, disability and death.
You can also purchase extra pension or income insurance from Loyalis.
Zilveren Kruis Achmea offers attractive health care insurance to employees in higher professional education with a variety of packages at competitive rates. Employees of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences receive a discount from Centraal Beheer Achmea on additional insurance policies, including car, travel, accident, home or fire and theft insurance.
Travel allowance
Depending on the terms of your employment and travel distance, we offer a net monthly amount as compensation for travel expenses.
You can purchase an e-bike intended for commuting purposes at a discount via Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. You can also take advantage of an attractively priced gym membership and unlimited use of one of the Fitland fitness centres.
Social activities
The staff association at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences organises various events each year, including a wine tasting, snorkeling and sailing. Lots of activities are also organised by the various schools, departments, study programmes and other organisations.