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EBSCOhost eBook Collections


Via the EBSCOhost platform you have access to 4 e-book collections. Together these contain over 200,000 titles. You can read the e-books online and also download them to your computer or mobile device most of the time.



What are the EBSCOhost eBook collections about?

  • eBook Academic Collection: A multi-disciplinary collection aimed at research.
  • eBook Business Collection: Business topics, from doing business research to getting insight in general business concepts.
  • eBook Education Collection: Educational topics. From curriculum building to student behavior and dynamics.
  • eBook Collection: E-books curated by the library, including titles that are on your book list.


Accessiblility and availability

eBook Academic, -Business and -Education are subscription based collections: the e-books here are accessible for an ulimited number of simultaneous users. Also it's usually possible to print a download a part and borrow them. The collections are updated on a regular basis. Titles are being added and removed. Because of this continuous availability can not be guaranteed.

Individually purchased titles in the eBook Collection do remain available perpetually. The option for simultaneous use are however often limited. On the detail page of an e-book you can see how many copies are available at "Concurrent User Level".