
    Transition indicator for autism spectrum disorders

    Part of the Academic Workshop Autism – Do it Together!

    Publication date: 01 January 2014

    Although psychiatric disorders such as autism do not stop at the age of 18, reaching the age of adulthood comes with a care transition from child and youth Psychiatry to adult psychiatry, with partly different laws and regulations. The experiences with this transition of youths with autism, their parents and care providers have hardly been tested yet and we know only little about effective interventions for transition in care for autism.


    Facts and figures


    Yulius Expertisecentrum Dordrecht/Rotterdam, RadboudUMC NijmegenVNO, netwerken van PAS Nederland en Nederlandse Vereniging voor Autisme, werkgevers en het programma Vanuit Autisme Bekeken.


    Project duration

    2014 - 2016