The aim is to make a film that makes visible the happiness and worries, dilemmas and resilience of the 8,000 to 12,000 families with a child with mcd. This hopefully will create room for understanding, insight and discussion. Families may feel less alone and can be supported to their needs and experiences. Visual material is often more powerful than words to display nuances.
The purpose is to inform, but also to inspire and to show that family life with a child with mcd comprises much more than just care and worries. The film is to bring a more complete and thoughtful picture of the family life of parents and children into the limelight through a series of documentary portraits of family lives as boosters for understanding, discussion and talk.
The film will be distributed via associations and networks of families with children with mcd, eventually resulting in more and more new families, their relatives and professionals seeing the film. The film material will be used in the study programs at RUAS, and accompanying teaching material will be developed. A subsidy will be applied for.