
    Supported communication in aphasia

    Development of communication training for health care professionals

    Publication date: 01 January 2017

    The development and implementation of a communication training for professionals in health care, aiming to improve communication with people with aphasia.


    Intended results
    • In the first phase of the project, Training SC-NL will be developed in cooperation with the Speech Language Therapy department of Radboudumc Nijmegen. In this hospital, a pilotstudy on the effects of the SCA-training has already been completed.
    • In the second phase, Training SC-NL will be implemented in three health care institutions. Research focuses on the effect of this training on communication between professionals in health care and aphasia patients.
    • During the project, a training will be developed to educate speech-language therapists how to provide Training SC-NL in their own institutions.