
    Development Dutch Position Statement

    Listening difficulties

    Speech perception is an important condition to communicate effectively. Within the Dutch Audiological Centers, wide variation exists in procedures for diagnosing and advising children with complaints about listening and understanding in complex listening situations.



    The first study is virtually completed (publication in Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research has been accepted).

    Data collection for the second study was carried out during a national seminar, held on the  21st of  May 2014. The present experiences, perspectives and needs were mapped in five focus groups each consisting of nine people. Lecturers and students in Speech Language Therapy from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen contributed by leading and assisting the focus group discussions. Transcription of the discussion was completed in the summer of 2014. At the beginning of 2016, the qualitative analyses were completed and a publication will be prepared. A concept article on the third sub-study has been submitted to an international journal.  

    The preliminary results show that we succeeded to bring diversity to the surface through the focus group interviews. After the seminar, participants indicated to have been enriched, refreshed but also confused by sharing their experiences and practices with other audiological centers.

    The seminar also yielded interesting case descriptions. Each participating center was assigned to submit a typical APD case, which was discussed during peer discussion meetings during the seminar.  Afterwards, the nine resulting cases were analyzed with the help of two students Speech Therapy and converted to an article in the Dutch Journal for Speech language Therapy (Neijenhuis, Van Herel-de Frel & Dekelver, 2016). The nine case studies also showed the diversity of approach.

    In April 2016, the researchers involved in this project will participate in the yearly conference of the British Society of Audiology (BSA), where the international consensus regarding auditory processing disorders will be discussed.

    At June 8 2016, another conference was organized for all employees of audiologic centres. The results of all three parts of the research project were presented. At the end of 2016, the first concept of the Dutch Position Statement will be open for comment from FENAC. 
