
    Dr. Susan Jedeloo

    Lecturer and Researcher

    Susan has been working at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2004. As a professor for the Bachelor of Nursing she works on connecting research, education and practice with teachers, students and healthcare professionals. She is responsible for the college-wide electives on Non-Violent Communication and Art as Medicine in Care and Welfare. Within the 'minor Oncology', she and the students focus on 'Taking care of yourself as a nurse working within Oncology', and 'Self-care of oncology patients'.

    As developer and course holder of the line 'Experience-based learning in healthcare in the third year', working on awareness and resilience of the student is key for her. Diving into your lack of action, what can you learn from that, person-centred communication, what is that really? How does connecting with yourself and others contribute to this? Especially when things get difficult, as in palliative psychosocial care or behaviour that you do not understand or experience as difficult.

    Within the research project SPRiNG: Starting Strong in Nursing, she is involved as a Trainer in Communicating in Relationships in the PhD research of Ellen Bakker. She also participates in the SPRiNG implementation projects.

    Susan also gets input from earlier work and experience at the University of Applied Sciences as senior lecturer on the theme Self-management (2012-2015) and as senior researcher in the research line self-management & participation (2004-2012) at Research Centre Innovations in Care  (including Research Program On Own Legs (, TransitieNet, Camp Cool, SPIL and NURSE-CC: NUrsing Research into Self-management and Empowerment in Chronic Care), lectorate Transitions in Care (2004-2012) and teacher at the Master Advanced Nursing Practice (Chain Care, Self-management).

    Susan graduated as a health scientist (Movement Sciences and Health Promotion & Prevention) from Maastricht University in 1995. From 1997-2002 Susan did her PhD research on 'the quality of indication for aids and facilities for people with a chronic disorder' at the Julius Centre for Patient-related Research and Family Medicine. At the same time she completed the Master's programme in Health Services Research at NIHES in Rotterdam.


    By Dr. Susan Jedeloo