Which tensions arise between supply and demand in the job market? How can we prevent mismatching? What is the situation of young people in the job market when you have either completed vocational training, or higher education? What is smart HRM policy for senior employees? How will jobs, job profiles, and professional profiles change? Businesses appeal to readerships in order to strengthen their position on the job market.
Silicon Valley
Peter Ester has been researching the innovative ‘incubator’ Silicon Valley for some years now. In 2014 he published a first book on the subject of 'Start me up in Silicon Valley' together with former lector Arne Maas. In this book they shared the most important lessons of Silicon Valley. The book describes the most important tips for Dutch start-up businesses to increase their chances of success. In 2016 they followed up the research with the book 'Silicon Valley: Planet Startup' in which the secrets of this innovative hotspot were researched further.