
    Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is organising dialogue about racism

    24 June 2020

    Racism doesn’t belong in higher education.

    We are going to organise discussions. Students and staff can now sign up to participate.

    Looking for our blind spot and connection

    A school is the place to connect. But also a place where opinions can clash and where we can learn from each other. Based on mutual respect. The discussions are meant for our students and lecturers, so we can share experiences and opinions and together look for our blind spot and what connects us.

    Taking concrete steps

    We will organise these discussions at a school location with up to 12 participants at a time. These will be guided by professional meeting facilitators. This will allow us to create an open and respectful dialogue, in which each participant has the freedom and feels safe enough to express themselves. We invite our students and staff to sign up. Depending on the number of registrations, more discussions can be facilitated. We will start before the summer holidays and, if there is a lot of response, continue again after the summer.

    The facilitators will share their impressions with the Executive Board of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. After the summer break, the Board will continue to talk about this issue with a number of students and staff to identify which concrete steps will be taken to move forward.