
    TMA student Naziha wins ECHO Award for multicultural talent

    "I want to inspire other women to make the most of themselves" says Naziha Kechouch who won the ECHO Award for best multicultural talent for Dutch universities of applied sciences this year.

    "I want to inspire other women to make the most of themselves" says Naziha Kechouch who won the ECHO Award for best multicultural talent for Dutch universities of applied sciences this year. 

    Every year ECHO awards a student with a multicultural background for his or her academic performance and boundary breaking mentality in education.

    Students who qualify for an ECHO Award are successful students with a non-western background who excel because of their outstanding academic performance, boundary breaking mentality, 'bridge builder' capacities, active community involvement and leadership. 

    Naziha was nominated for the ECHO Award by her lecturer Fumiko Inoue: "Naziha is ambitious and makes high demands on herself. She always attempts to obtain at least a 7.5 grade and is often successful in her attempt. She is very active within the school, working for the alumni committee of the TMA programme, as a peercoach for first year students and as a mentor at Armani, specifically for students with a Moroccan background. She truly is an example to other students" 

    foto: ECHO 

    Andrée van Es, forewoman of the jury, stated that Naziha proved to be an inspiring example to other students through her role as peer coach at RBS and Amani/Student aan Zet. Her sparkling personality and unbridled energy made a deep impression on the jury. With the ECHO Award Naziha gets the opportunity to attend a summer course at UCLA next year.