
    National Student Survey: Scores for lecturers and education are higher, general student satisfaction slightly lower

    28 June 2018

    The results of the National Student Survey (NSE) 2018 show a differentiated view. The NSE results show that after a great series of results up to and including 2016, a drop of the general student satisfaction from 2017, has continued in 2018. The score is down .06 from 3.79 to 3.73, measured on a five-point scale. Nationally one can speak of a declining trend as well. Remarkable is that the decrease of general satisfaction, goes hand in hand with a substantial increase of scores of most underlying themes.

    Illustration: Theme scores HR, G5 and HBO-NL

    Scores lecturers and education on the rise

    From the figure above, it seems apparent that especially themes at the heart of education are higher. Compared to last year, students of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, are increasingly pleased with the quality of lecturers and size of the student groups. Study guidance also scores unabatedly high in comparison with other institutions of higher education. Students are especially satisfied with availability, involvement and expertise of our lecturers. They are also more positive about lecturer guidance.

    In addition the students at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences are happy with the schedule. Other themes that have a significantly higher score than last year are: study facilities, course load, information services, quality assurance and the manner in which the study programmes handle internships.

    Positive steps forward

    Chairman of the Executive Board, Ron Bormans: “Despite the disappointment about the drop in general satisfaction, we can be satisfied about the results as a whole. In many aspects, considering the underlying NSE themes, we have booked progress and done well. 
    Since 2015 we have invested in more lecturers in front of the classroom, good student guidance and attention for quality, based on our strategy and in anticipation of national quality agreements. This year we can see, even more clearly than last year, that this was the right choice. The scores of these themes are higher. In relation to the benchmark with other schools of higher education as well. A deserved compliment for lecturers and staff members is in order”.

    Study programmes requiring attention

    A few study programmes of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences are not doing well according to the standards of our school. Those study programmes will receive extra attention. 
    The programmes involved are those that have a score lower than 3.5 and have dropped more than 0.3 points. This involves the so-called Focus study programmes: Lerarenopleiding Duits, Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling, Informatica, Communication and Multimedia Design, International Business & Management, International Business & Languages and Trade Management Asia. In addition to these Focus study programmes, a number of study programmes have themselves requested extra attention.

    All Bachelor study programmes of the institute RBS require extra attention. It is necessary as well because the institute is changing location again during the summer months as a result of the closure of a building section at the Kralingse Zoom location. How the extra support for the institute will be organised is a subject of discussion at this time. The Executive Board will make further announcements on this subject shortly.

    The Executive Board will financially support the above-mentioned study programmes so that they may fulfil their ambition, and the Board will pay close attention to the steps that they will take. It is up to the study programme teams and their management to get started on their path toward improvement. The supplementary financial means will be available from the next academic year, and will continue through the summer of 2019.

    About the National Student Survey

    This year 37.3% of students at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences have participated in the Survey NSE, far above the goal of 33%.

    The National Student Survey (NSE) is a large-scale national survey for which all students in higher education are asked to participate and voice their opinion about their study programme each year. The NSE falls under responsibility of Studiekeuze 123, an initiative of The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, Dutch Council for Training and Education, VSNU, and the student organisations LSVb and ISO, completely representing higher education.