

    Newspapers, Magazines

    Over 350 newspapers and magazines from more than 60 countries, in 40 languages. The newspapers and magazines are current, full-text and there is an archive of about three months.


    Using PressReader you have free access to thousands of newspapers and magazines from all over the world. Included are not just business publications, but also magazines on games, music, creative hobbies, fashion, computers, sport, etc. PressReader offers these in the original formatting, including images, and is available as a web version and an app.


    Go to the PressReader website, create a personal account for yourself and (optionally) install the app on your tablet or smartphone. This way you can easily manage your subscriptions.

    The PressReader website is always accessible by means of the special link on this page. The app version however only offers free access when you are connected to a HotSpot. The EduRoam network of Rotterdam University is such a HotSpot. When you have used the app on it, you get 7 days of additional free access to publications. After that you have to reconnect. Take a look at the map on the PressReader website for a nearby HotSpot.


    • Click on Add to my publications to add a newspaper or magazine to your subscriptions.
    • Via the My Topics menu option you can make your own news overview based on a subject of your own choice.
    • Found an interesting article? Use the bookmark option to add to a collection, so you can retrieve it later.