
    Sustained building in low-lying areas or not?

    Publication of CoE HRTech

    M. Boomen,van den, A. Esteban, M. Elsamny, V. Konings, D. Huibers, G. Mol, S. Stolp, K. Spaan, E. Bueren,van | Article | Publication date: 11 May 2023
    The Living Labs Greater Rotterdam and Greater Amsterdam are the real life urban laboratories and test beds of the RED&BLUE transdisciplinary knowledge agenda and impact program. The RED&BLUE research program focusses on the development of integrated real estate and infrastructure climate risk strategies for urban Deltas. The living labs are crucial for identifying the urban climate challenges, translating these challenges into applied and scientific research questions, demonstrating and validating the research results in practice, and finally in consolidating the findings into integrated climate adaptation strategies and ensuring their long-lasting implementation. These ambitious objectives can only be reached in co-creation and joined learning with the stakeholders involved and require a good understanding of the context of the urban climate challenges. This context was explored through focus group research with the purpose to identify the key questions underling each of the urban cases to be identified. This article has been published online in Dutch at

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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