
    Neighbourhood deprivation monitoring in Rotterdam and London: exploring barriers to evidence-based policy and practice

    Publication of Urban Talent

    K. Sheridan, S. Rie,de la, F.C.P.P. Spierings, P. Tobi | Article | Publication date: 19 March 2013
    There is ample evidence that area-based approaches to tackling health inequalities, as part of a wider policy of community regeneration, are effective. Nevertheless, embedding this evidence in the routine practice of health professionals has not followed automatically. One of the barriers to the uptake of research is the process by which evidence is generated and its usability, or “stickiness”. This paper draws on the concept of stickiness to explore the role of deprivation monitoring data in creating an evidence base for neighbourhood health policies and intervention.

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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